"Last words are for fools, who haven't said enough" -Karl Marx

Davidas Kolkinas @Broken-Needle

Age 32, Male


Brooklyn, NY

Joined on 8/10/06

Exp Points:
6,056 / 6,400
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6.56 votes
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Oh my lord... haha, notice how the body has seemingly gotten up and walked away. N**** ya gonna have to cap better words than that to make me pass ya fuckin' ass. Hahaha.

EXACTLY YOU DUMB FUCKING ZOMBIE..... ROFLMFAO finally you got something....

It's funny because I didn't use the word. Get a load of this.

"Now put a fist black power
You under a flower"

So, when the FUCK do you think you can raise a fist in black power Broken-Needle? That's a little offensive, get ya hand down ya fuckin idiot. and noob shut ya mouth too overlookin what he actually said. What, you want some more ASTERISKS? Wow man get a grip.

Eat my last track. If you're wasting your own time, aint gonna let you waste mine. Your rhymes and flow was terrible. 2 tracks each, each of yours are floating in the mid 1's. NG has spoken G. It's over. Any more words said here would be a waste. If you write somethign that I find absolutely amazing and see hovering on the front page with me sometime, maybe then I'll pay some more attention to you. Thanks for the applause folks. Thanks for the attention. Thanks for the 5's and 0's in between.

But it's over until you can ACTUALLY write and rap something better and "start trying".

Rooby.22s out brah.

ROFLMFAO, no comment on the Black power, you kinda need to understand metaphors.... Buddy you said it yourself you're lvl 36 a 0 from you alone has my track at 1s, your brother is lvl 7 that adds on and your friend who tried to diss me is another one, now a 5 for yourself with all those ppl are the only things keeping your score 1 point above mine at the moment. Untill you learn how to rap i ain't wasting time you either... You're nowhere near the frontpage, unless you order ya page according to date, and even then I put out the latest diss
BN out

Thanks n00b. Rap battles aren't all that friendly though especially when you're dealing with kids who just wont listen. I like taking things to the next level simply because I have the time and passion to do it for everyone. So when you rip on me for censoring the word N***** when buddy here drops the n bomb and even goes as far as to say "Raise a fist in black power" in his song. That's the final straw for me, I just feel like I'm rapping against someone delusional who actually thinks he's black now. Once you're that far gone you could be rapping like Microsoft Sam and think it's good.

Rooby out. Ya done...

no comment... u fail

lol @ "no comment u fail". Sort of ironic don't you think?
Beef over. No more continues brah.

thank you, i was getting tired of whooping your ass

It's funny because now you just look like you have this odd obsession with me. I got bigger things to do than beef with some 16 year old on Newgrounds. Like, look at how many tracks you've put out against me... oh lawd, my pride. What ever shall I do.

Oh, nothing. Thanks for actually thinking I'm worth the time to do this.

word you definetely won, I lost, you're the best MC that has ever lived and ur not pretending 2 b blood, and ur mom isnt bald, n i dno that cuz me n her never fucked