"Last words are for fools, who haven't said enough" -Karl Marx

Davidas Kolkinas @Broken-Needle

Age 32, Male


Brooklyn, NY

Joined on 8/10/06

Exp Points:
6,056 / 6,400
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.56 votes
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:


I stand by my review before. Best punchline is the N-Gage one, and it still ain't that hot. And maybe if Lejin didn't have so much to say, I'd fall back. And dude blocked me, so whatever he's in, I know he's gonna be bound to see it sooner or later. So I get as much words in as possible. I know he's bound to feel it, and come back with his same old words against me. Dude ain't original. lol

"Ignore the haters BN. PoorPawn is on your dick right now thats why he got no life sits at his momma home all day on fucking NG broke as hell thinking hes a Gansta typing some triple triple OG shit on reviews...LMFAO"

Just so Lejin can see this too,

I'm 17 years old. He expects me to live somewhere else? He's a fucking idiot. How old is the mother fucker? Like 30 somethin? And you know me BN, I keep it real no matter what. Beef or not. It's funny how I was looking at some of Lejin's first reviews to ya tracks telling you to hang up your mic, and how much you sucked. Now, I see that you two are bestest of friends. And just so you know, I gave ya track a 2, not an 0. Big difference in score.

dawg I remember those reviews 2, reason y we ain'tbeefin iz cuz I wentonhis page and didn't hate said I liked his track n 5d it. A 2 in my opinion is much less than what I deserve, it ain't the best track ever made, but I know thatit deserves much more, cuz I got positive responses from every1 that I usualy send ma' tracks 2, n they said this 1 is good not perfect but good, even I'm proud of it myself. The lyrics I refuse to believe that the N-Gage line is the best one cuz I came up with that aprt while freestyling and I know lines like the clones one(which btw I said cuz I'm entered under 3 different names in US gov files) also lines like the siamese twin, track and train and all that shit is ill n if u don't think so I simply can't believe you, and I ain't simply being full of myself, I never am but this I know that the lines are sick. Anyways,
BN out

Spawn dropped a harsh review there. Some lines aight, but Ima stick to what I said. Get ya flow starting, and then start adding the lyrics. Dedicate yourself to a song and make it sound like its connecting. Play the shit loud so you can feel what your saying, not say what you think sounds good with what you hear. Ill admit I dont even dedicate myself enough to my shit. But yeah, A-Gang, whatever you rep, thats your bullshit calls. And the weed, thats ya problem as well. My lungs are to valuable to me for that shit. So yeah, ya words connect and make sense, but at the same time, your putting too much into it. Like the clones shit, had I not read the review I wouldnt known shit about the 3 identities. Easier said than done, but its easier just to choose the right way instead of riding with fuckheads that say they can protect you. I mean, they are alright sometimes, Lejin is cool when we arent shooting back and forth at each other. Kaliba, never talked to him, but whenever I told him about his song, he talked back without trying to burn me so yeah.

Like I said, "Flowetry" isnt what you want in rap, but it is what can turn into rap.
Punches are good and all, but without any flow, you just end up slaughtering the track with staggered words.
You can beef us all you want... Lmao, this is just some bomb beef that is back and forth like pong.
You played off my last review, shit, youll probably do the same to this one.
Just speaking what I thought, giving you a little structure.
You drop it, thats you. You take it, thats still you.

In words you might understand
"The fattest blunt can have the nastiest weed"... But just a bit of the best stuff works so much better.

New Era

I know what ya mean man, I ain't wit A-Gang for protection I'm jus in it to back up SeRAPhic n Lejin, I never need protection in any sort of beef. I know what you mean on the flow, I know mines ain't the best but iz improving, I always appreciate honest reviews, n never hate on 'em or drop 'em o w.e, w.e u wanna say say it iz coo' wit me, constructive critiscism I appreciate more than simple 10 and yo good job n then a 5, anyways appreciate it,
Keep it pimpin'
BN out

Seriously, dawg, you gotta step your game up. Even your newest and, by your words, best tracks, have serious stutter problems.

"NY Assassination"

Many hustlers in NY,
Got a scowl on they face,
But none are king.
Tryin' to see the throne,
Like hungry dogs,
Chewin' on they bone...

6 lines, one rhyme. No alliteration. No substance. And you stuttered over half the lines. I respect anyone for tracking their vocals and jumping into the game, but if your track deserves a 1 or 2, it gets a 1 or 2. We all put in the work and heard the critics thrash our shit when we started out, you ain't gonna be different.

Keep it up and you'll get there. Just don't buy into all of the hype. Lejin's sound is unpolished and he talks in third person like he's somebody major? Don't go that route, it's food quality bs. He's going to get ate up by real undergrounders, especially in NY's scene. This game don't forgive cocky talk without walk.


Dawg, first off those are the opening lines, the rest rhyme also that track was made half a year ago. How would you feel if I look up ya old shit n tell u that ur not doing all too well according to tracks which are half a year old? I enjoy critiscism, I want more, just on my up to date shit not something I made quite a while ago. However I appreciate the effort,
Keep it pimpin'
BN out

Lol looks like poorpawn bin busy getting all the haters he can get to help him in his time of need XD Keyboard ganster !

Ingenius is speaking the truth.. your going to get ripped apart if you keep it up.. matter fact, you are.. either way you put it.

"This game don't forgive cocky talk without walk."

Everyone knows you can't take me.. flow or no flow. You don't got me. I'm multi-talented, I got you in producing (IF U EVEN MAKE A BEAT) and rapping. N not much people do that and come out good. You was spared the first time, when reven was telling me you wasn't worth it and you begged him not to hop on my track, say I was enough on your mind. Now I'm going straight after all of ya'll.
To tell you the truth BN.. at your current rapping skill. Your not even in the condition to beef with experienced rappers, your in the condition to go to the experienced rappers and get training and help. Your not even a rapper. Your a "poet". Even if you are from NY. stop reppin' it. Cuz your making it look bad. When we think about NY, we think about very lyrical rappers with flow like:
-Twalib Kweli

And the difference between you and these rappers (even some on ng) is THEY GOT FLOW. No ones respect rappers with no flow. If you was "from the hood" or known "real n***az" you would be a laughing stock. But instead, you go on NG, which 70% of the people on NG are Nerds and try to get attention from them. And to them of course you will, all you need is a good beat to back up your "no-flow rapping" and they'll like it. They will like anything that they can relate with. Like starwars, video games, and some stupid shit. This is straight up REAL TALK. And you'll soon see enough for messing with RMP.

When you say fuck RMP.
You basically said:
-Fuck War-Spawn
-Fuck DJ SES
-Fuck CaliberTheButcher
-Fuck DJ Nitemare
-Fuck PhadedSoldier

So if you said fuck us, then you gotta deal with all of us.
You should of been specific with who your dissing instead of saying fuck the gang. Even Lejin knows I'm better than you, I got proof for the message he sent me when I dissed you. Your in trouble now man. I almost feel bad for you.


ok so if I'm so bad you shouldn't havea problem beating me now won't u? I'm still waiting on ya comeback after what now a month? Seems like ur in trouble now don't it? At least you're trying to get help by reshaping what people have said, I've never dissed RMP, only times I mentioned it is 1 right now, 2 in the title RIP RMP but that's no diss simply the structure is being broken apart themembers do not neceseraly have to b harmed, and 3 the home run line which isn't a diss at all, simply stating u guys are launching A-Gang. So please stop making it so obvious that u trying to dick ride people against us, if I'm in no comparison to you then prove it. Oh and pay ya phone bill u fuckin bum.

PS: I put ma shit up on ng for feedback on ways to improve n to use yourown logic against u, u just dissed every1 that ever liked ma' work, but ur in luck cuz I ain't don't need help n I ain't gonna go bitch to them like u doin'

BN out

I ain't here to help war-spawn. He definitely doesn't need my help and it's hilarious that Lejin would think so. It's simple, really. I want anyone who spits game to realize that if they are running with a crew that's holding them back or fluffing their talent up and not giving them real feedback, they are going to get eaten. It's obvious anyone idolizing Lejin's sound is on the path straight to the nearest McDonald's, freestyling about Warcraft on the burger mic.

B-N, I listened to all of your 2007 jams. It's all the same thing. I picked "NY Assassination" because of it's stutters, but I could easily have picked out "Nobody respects You", which you lined out above. You fell all over that one.

You wanna pick out my work from 6 months ago, you're right, it ain't up to the par or the goals I set for myself now. Which is why I ain't producin' much until I get my new equipment. 6 months ago I wasn't doing anything. 12 months ago, I was in a studio in Texas. Now I'm in Alaska. I gotta build my own studio from the bottom up, but the difference is I ain't talking about myself in the third person like your idol. I ain't recording on a computer mic, talking about GM's and online gaming to get 5's out of all of the audio portal critics who post the "I don't really like hip-hop, but you are teh awesomeness" reviews. I don't lower my flow to that level to get the vote.

Keep on doing what you do, improve, practice, and don't ever talk about yourself in the third person. Respect gets fans, disrespect gets enemies.


aight lemme get 1 thing clear I don't idolize any1, n I don't look up to any1. and as for the Lejin part, y r u telling me this shit, tell Lejin yaself. Appreciate the support,
Keep it pimpin'
BN out

Thanks for the 0 bomb to my account and the RMP account. It doesn't make a difference. You may have a more experience "NG Level" than me (lol) but im a more experienced rapper/producer and it shows.

dawg I'm sorry but I got better things to do than to go around giving out 0's, one of the main reasons y I don't do it is because I have a high NG level n it would hurt the score tremendously. I don't 0 shit, only 5s or no vote at all,
BN out

LMAO!! SHUT DAT ISH UP!!! (dont wanna curse cuz you'll report me for inappropriate wording)LMAO!! LOOK!!! notice.. most my songs is +100 votes or even 200. So if a regular 1-10 level'd guy 0's it.. it will only go down by 1. But the thing iz.. wut happened to my song that was 4.25 that went down to 4.18 all in 1 vote?? "who ever" down voted it must had a level higher than "15". and the fact that right when you responced to my first comment i left you.. thats when all my songs, even the songs on the RMP account get 0'd in the same time range. So please shut da fluck up and dont lie.. if u caught.. ur caught. Crist.. you are so fake.. i'm surprised you survive in NG.. you must suck dick for studio time.

ok if u use that sorta logic, then ubeen 0 bombing ma' shit too then cuz soon as u posted ya comment ma' shit went down. And I think war-spawn triedthis o some1 from ya team, they tried 0ing they own tracksn shit went down much morethan a 5, o n btw moron if u have a 4.25 a 0 any level will make it go down than a 5 will make it go up cuz it's closer to a 5 than to a 0. Think before you speak
BN out


BN!!! Y U LYING SO MUCH?? HUH!?!?! LMAO YOUR SO FAKE!!! I SEE Y U RIDE WIT THEM LOSERS.. you just like them. Your a snake, you lie, and you let ur ego get you pwned!!!

Aim Conversation with BrokenNeedle and Warspawn:
LyricalVisionary (11:49:28 PM): You was like my #1 fan
brokenneedle25 (11:50:54 PM): yen then u dissme

ok? maybe iz cuz I dun like 2 argue when I'm high, he was gonna simply tell me o then y do u have me as ya favorite artist, n I'd say the same thing I would've said if we weren't beefin or not cuz I like his work, if I like Jay-Z shit or Biggie's that don't mean I'm their fan. Love it how ya'll got every word I say to uz saved, looks like u the fan,

PS. How about u stop worhiping me n make a comeback?

BN out

LMAO.. with 200 votes?? it will go down alot?? no it won't, so think before you type u dumbshit.. and lol.. he has no excuse for 0ing my music so he blames me. Stop lying and stop using weed as an excuse for everything. Wigga I dun weed and it doesnt fuck me up. I go to school high. Because being high makes you more focus on to shit (something you won't know cuz ur a lil white boi who thinks hes out the ghetto of NY tryin to act like u a big bad boi on the internet). Fuck you, i'm done with this.. I'll let my music speak for me.

where do u come up wit this shit? I wasn't even blaming weed, I said i dun like 2 argue when high, how is that blaming weed? And apperently with 200 votes it did so hop off ma' dick, everybody knows I don't 0 shit, even ya intern Nitemare said I don't 0 shit. Quit hopin on ma' page for attention and release a comeback, thought Iwasn't a match 4 u, so y u having so much trouble coming up wit something?
BN out

lol.. theres no trouble.. just waitin for caliber to finish hiz verse.. (^_-)

Racoon..LMFAO. Ah god, I'm still wondering if the dude was drunk when naming himself that.

lmfao, me 2 yo

Wow look at all the keyboard gansters in action against BN... oooooh scary XD

Yeah Butcher dropped his verse aimed at some bozo talking shit about him on a mixtape. Thats ma n***a he came forward and let me know himself despite how busy he is.

Loving the keyboard ganster action you got goin on in BN's page you kids doin here. lmfao XD

LMAO @ FUCKING LEJIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!! U SOUND LIKE A PUSSY RIT NOW LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wtf is wrong wit u?

Careful Lu he might hit you off with some og status keyboard threats!!! LMFAO!

2.47 / 5.00 (+ 0.36)

Oh my god..that beat was sick. As in it got cancer along the way in the making. You killed it. It's dead :/ & gross.

lol, u shud go on his page n tell 'em that, lol