climbin back up da charts
Thanks for your vote, Broken-Needle! You voted 5 for _Yumbo-Yak_Finally!, raising its score from 4.33 to 4.50.
climbin back up da charts
Thanks for your vote, Broken-Needle! You voted 5 for _Yumbo-Yak_Finally!, raising its score from 4.33 to 4.50.
thats cool
all 10z bro
Yo man dis shit's hot, except da ur listenin 2 a187 producyion ting, dat shit kinda pissed me off, but i read yo response 2 ragekid n deni understood, but still. anyways its VERY HOT. o n da choir shit clip sounds hotter, yo everybody dats redin dis go n ask raven bout his new album n den buyit from him
lmao man reven's barely even started his album but yeah that shits gon b hot, thanks for the review man
pretty hot, kep it up
This sounds hot, but it ended 2 soon, I likeit anyways
Thanks for your vote, Broken-Needle! You voted 5 for Waltz remix, raising its score from 4.33 to 4.50.
Yea it ended short cuz It was basically a test, I didn no wether u guys wud like it or not, thanks for tha support
u got potential keep at it
son u got wut it takes 2 b 1 o dem greatest, jus try
2 use a bit more dan like 6 sounds i tink, oderdan dat itis HOT, 5 n 10 ty
noo i dun wnasleep (good way)
I was sleepy already n now im about to fall asleep (yawn) son u bin herlong, 44 tracks nice job, but u need 2 get yoself noticed, make hip-hop modern songs n every1 will review ur shitjus wen u do dat getting a 3 in your voting average is like gettinga 5 here so don get pissed. ty
tell ur friends to come check me out, then tell them to tell their friends and thus will start a chain reaction homie...
son dis shits hot it kindareminds me of like mid eil rpg's (Link) 4 sum reason anyways nice
Thanks for your vote, Broken-Needle! You voted 5 for Lost in Sadness(Finished), raising its score from 4.00 to 4.17. which put u in 2nd
woah im glad you like it man i never thought its that good
thanks alot for the review
nice man
dis shit sounds pretyy hot, da represent ting took 2 long though da rest is nice.
Thanks for your vote, Broken-Needle! You voted 5 for The KNomadz Eternal Play-06, raising its score from 3.89 to 4.00.
Thanks for review and the vote!
wow dis shits hot
son dis shits hot yo its like ima bout shoot smbody man yo u put in sm1 elses shoes in dis 1 man yo its hot. ps da votes on all yo oder shit i saised by a shitload most of em cuz my voting power is 5 smtin so yah, anywayz ty 4 makin dis track man, piece
not bad
dis isn't dat bad i gave it a 5 so w/e im not a hater on ng cuz im nice n i dun wna c any 1 die/leave ng so dont
thanks man much appreciation from you
dis shit is hot
son dis shit is hotu rly kno how 2 use da whistle in songs (KRIONO) nice work man keep it up
thanks man im learning new technics with whistles and stuff and how to make things sound the way i want them to , thanks for the review
"Last words are for fools, who haven't said enough" -Karl Marx
Age 32, Male
Brooklyn, NY
Joined on 8/10/06