
676 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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4.14 / 5.00 (+ 0.21)

nice yo, did u sample handsome boy modeling school? if u havent heard of them u should check them out i recommend "once again" and actually almost all of their tracks
but it sounds like u sampled "breakdown" anyway
Keep it pimpin'
BN out

atomic-noodle responds:

haa i have both of their albums, i didnt samle breakdown though. try again lol

5.00 / 5.00 (+ 5.00)

im glad i listened all the way thru, i like all the shit going on at the end. Good shit man n ye the RAM does seem 2 make a difference, plus ur getting better=D
Keep it pimpin'
BN out

DofS responds:

Thanks bro, you made my day!

3.22 / 5.00 (+ 0.88)

but dude... u need emotion.... this seemed like u were mad bored so u recorded n didnt wanna record again so u put it up=( nice lyrics tho

BAF responds:

I guess that's not really all that far from the truth, but I wanted this to be a real laid back kinda track, I don't think it's completely emotionless but I didnt put as much work into it as I could I admit. Thanks for the review, stay up man.

4.41 / 5.00 (+ 0.0012)

i gta b honest i wasnt feeling this at first but that shit is tight now that i listen again good job

Burly responds:

Heh, thanks. Nothing wrong with being honest.

3.63 / 5.00 (+ 0.74)

ROFL, dam man u killed em, lmfao said he takin pics in front of cars
good shit
Keep it pimpin'
BN out

Lejin responds:

This is toomuch fun!

4.16 / 5.00 (+ 0.12)

good shit man, I wish u could've scratched it up or something tho, but i see wut type of lyrics u'd want on this so i guess not
Keep it pimpin
BN out

K-Dm responds:

ya i was keepin it classical n hip hop


4.39 / 5.00 (+ 0.25)

the beat is tight as fuck man, btw i was bumpin that pop song last night n 5d it too, dam man u gta make some more shit=D
Keep it pimpin'
BN out

7104447 responds:

hehe thats cool :) the best thing is that you like it even tough u don't speak the language :)

3.35 / 5.00 (+ 0.35)

congrats man once again this kicks ass, i shall add u 2 my favorite artists=D

7104447 responds:

thanks for the props m8 :)

3.26 / 5.00 (+ 0.65)

dude, this is awesome i wasnt expecting something this good when i clicked on it goood shit man, I'ma prolly use it in due time if u dont mind. so heres a download 4 u=D
Keep it pimpin'
BN out

7104447 responds:

it warms to hear :)

2.42 / 5.00 (+ 0.63)

ROFLMFAO this is wut I'd imagine wud happen if jesus was on crack lmfao good shit man

leetdude1 responds:

Now, this guy nows his shit.

"Last words are for fools, who haven't said enough" -Karl Marx

Davidas Kolkinas @Broken-Needle

Age 32, Male


Brooklyn, NY

Joined on 8/10/06

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