
676 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Fuckin Zero voter

i hate both zero voters,i tink its da same person tho,oder 1 probobly got blammed Ivebin zerovoted asswell but dey both pm me didnt write a rev 4sum reason,may b jus cuz i hav powerfull alys, i dno.Anyway I like dis beat,listened 2 many o yo songs especialy liked da tetris beat,5/5
Keep it pimpin'
BN out

AnSpal1202 responds:

peace, that fuckers gonna keep gettin banned =)

same here

same as da guy b4 except both zero mans pm me instead, anyway dis song glidesfreely, it feels kinda smooth like everything fits perfectly, 5/5
Keep it pimpin'
BN out

coMpLekS responds:

Yea, whats up with zerovoter? kid has no life. Thanks for the five man.

- k

shit is da best eva from all o ng

Sound real good cept u need a good mike cuz derz like frizy sound in da backround i dun kno if dat was on purpose but it fit tho cuz it sounded like an ocean. Also keep makin raps cuz dats wut I wna con ng dats y i only make raps no stand alone beats, always n still will 5 it,
BN out

Poetic-Reven responds:

yea i do need another mic it's a 15 dollar piece of shit but i have equipment @ my boi's crib

some nice shit u got here

I don't realy see anyone rapin on dis track cuz o da electric sound its more o a techno song dan hip hop,actualy no its a blend, a mix with techno and hip-hop more hip hopish dan techno but still has da techno feel, I liked it either way tho 5d it cuz im so nice, [I] shyne brighta dan ice, [My] disses got dem spice(I dno y I wrote dat jus writing wut im tinkin, lol)
Anywayz keep it cocked n loaded,
Keep it pimpin'

Greeksta-69 responds:

thanks man im glad you write this cause i get good opinions from different people and i just wanted to say thanks for listening to me while i was here and listening to what my music had to say.

heard it b4 it went up on ng from greeksta bitches

cyya, i love dis song so much it is da hottest, sry i didnt send u da rhyme 4 da collab i fucked up my back on tuesday n now i have 2 wear dis huge assbelt 4 a week so my spine wont like fuck up o smtin, but ima send uda rhyme ova da course o da time i g2 wear da belt, k? Anyways love dis song its B E A U T I F U L 5/5,

Greeksta-69 responds:

thanks bro

nice 4 da 1st a 1st wit da chopin shit

i liked it but da say hello got pretty annoying but overall it was good, i dun c a rev 4 my shit tho(i need all da tips i can get c'mon man) anyways a 5 from me hommie,

Greeksta-69 responds:

ahah thanks man

dude ur more o a wigga den me

Ok 1st of im not hatin i gave yo shit a five, but brain washed by mtv son most o songs r types o rock, i like drop da pants to another mother rhyme, shit was hot but da cant find a style o dey own ting is false cuz in music we got a shit load, n clothes ting was started by hispanics not niggas. Anyways rhymes r pretty hot tho 5/5 bro

Brihi24 responds:

more "o" "A" wigger?
fuckin' retard...lol

that wuz funny

nice 1 lmao, check my newest song out n goon dis link plz n giv "the reaper" a 5 cuz ur da only 1 dat can save its life it was given like 10 1s on da 1st 30secs of its release (how is dat possible if da song is 4mins long????) http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/view.php?id=1231593&sub=602
o n rev my newest plz, back 2 ur song now ok it wud b cool if udidda voices but wuldnt b as funny(no offence jus dat strawberry clock(narrator voice ting) voice makes it funnier) 5/5 hopefully u do da same

Cereal responds:

the voice is speakonia http://www.download.com/Speakonia/3000-7239_4-10125329.html?tag=lst-0-1, thanks for the review.

Son a song a day will keep da hataz at bay

I like it but u need 2 chillax a bit cuz hataz will chase udownn find u n tear yo spirit limb from limb(not sure if a spirit has limbs but who gives a fuck?) Anyways like dis shit alot check my shit out 2 if u hav time n leave a rev plz, 5/5

Yumbo-Yak responds:

I'll be alright, dem hataz aint got shit on me, u know what i'm sayin' i got my hata blokaz on...
n e way, i'll probably be takin' ya'll advice n e way, i was on vacation fo a while so i was able to add a ton of audio(as u can see) now dat i'm back at work i ain't got the time homie, good lookin' out dough.

born a G live like a G die like a G

Cyya dis songs hot bit repettive but still hot, chek my shit out bro, 5/5

Yumbo-Yak responds:

thanx for the review man, i'll check u out

"Last words are for fools, who haven't said enough" -Karl Marx

Davidas Kolkinas @Broken-Needle

Age 32, Male


Brooklyn, NY

Joined on 8/10/06

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